God Will Be a Stronghold

Back at the beginning of 2023, I began the year of devotions with a series called "I Will in 2023". Using some verses from Psalm 9, I spoke of some commitments we might make to God as the year began.

Well, as we head into 2025 in a few days’ time, I want to return to Psalm 9, but instead of looking at the "I Will" statements again, let's look this time at the "God Will" statements in this Psalm.

Looking Forward with God's Promises

You see, most of us end up not following through on our New Year commitments, unfortunately! We have great intentions, but life carries on and we often end up in our old ways soon enough. But God's Word can be counted on! And so looking at His promises here, I believe we can start 2025 with great hope and confidence because when God says He will do it, He will do it.

Let's begin in verse 9, where we read: "The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble."

God's Promise of Protection

This is a great promise for us as the year begins. Because one thing is certain – 2025 will not be a walk in the park. Yes, it will have great and wonderful moments, I believe it. It might even be the best year you or I ever have. But I have no doubt that there will be "times of trouble" in the 12 months ahead. Jesus Himself even said to His disciples "in this world, you will have trouble". There will definitely be moments and events that test us and cause us trouble in the year to come.

But the good news is that we have a God who promises to be a stronghold. Now that word is perhaps not too familiar to us in a world where towns don't attack each other with weapons as often as before. But in Bible times, a stronghold was a fortified place, perhaps a town or a tower or castle, which had dense and impenetrable security. When enemies started to get the upper hand, you wanted to get to the stronghold, which would give you the best chance of protection.

Finding Strength in the Stronghold

Friends, if you will put your trust in Him this year, God will be a stronghold for you. He doesn't promise to keep tough times from coming. But He promises to be a stronghold for you. This means that when tough times come, you can go to Him, and pour out your heart to Him, and receive words of help and comfort and strength from Him.

Nothing else can be a stronghold for you, like the one true God. So where will you turn for help when tough times come in 2025? I pray that you will put your faith in this promise of God and allow Him to be your stronghold.


God Will Never Forsake Those Who Seek Him


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