God Will Never Forsake Those Who Seek Him

2024 comes to an end today, and I do hope you have been pressing pause, and resting, reflecting, and releasing the year to God as we explored last week.

I'm already looking ahead to the New Year, as you know, and Psalm 9 is helping us look at some promises of God that can help us face 2025 with confidence. We saw yesterday how God promises to be a stronghold for us, and today let's look at verse 10 which says: "Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you."

This is a wonderful promise for us, for the year to come. If we seek Him, we can be assured that He will not forsake us. And of course, this was the great promise of Jesus as He ascended into heaven – to be with us always, and not to leave or forsake us. How wonderful to know that our Saviour is with us as we go about our lives.

Our Part in the Promise

But notice the emphasis here on our role. The Psalmist says that if we seek Him, He will never forsake us. This sounds similar to what the prophet Azariah said to King Asa in 2 Chronicles 15:1-2. Listen to his words: "The LORD is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.”

Those are tough words. If we are with Him, He will stay with us. But if we forsake Him, and leave Him out, and go on our way without Him, then He will let us have our way. God doesn't force Himself on us; if we reject Him, He leaves.

Walking Through Every Season

Now, I want you to know, friends, that this doesn't imply that you need to have perfect faith. It doesn't imply that you need to be at 100% all day every day. You are human, and you will have your ups and downs in mood and feelings this year. You will always have room for growth and improvement in your life, however holy you may be. So don't think that, if you've had a bad day, that God has now left you because you were not as focused as yesterday. That's not the point.

The point is: if you will walk with Him through ups and downs, rough and smooth, and refuse to reject or turn from Him, you will find Him to be the most wonderful companion and friend. You will find grace and strength and love and help like never before. He will truly not forsake you, but be with you as you walk through the year.

Don't reject Him this year. Don't let Him slip out of your life. You may have some tough moments, but if you'll stick with Him and refuse to reject Him, oh what a wonderful year it will be in close fellowship with the God who loves you.


God Will Never Ignore Your Cries


God Will Be a Stronghold