God Will Never Ignore Your Cries

It's 2025! May it be a blessed and wonderful year for each of you my friends. And I pray that my little messages each weekday, and my music and other teaching offerings I post, will help you in your daily walk with God this year.

The Promise of God's Attention

You'll remember that we are looking this week at how "God Will in 2025"! Psalm 9 is showing us some wonderful promises to hold to, and today, hear these words from verses 11-12: "Sing the praises of the LORD, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what He has done. For He who avenges blood remembers; He does not ignore the cries of the afflicted."

This is another powerful word for us, as we look ahead to another 12 months walking with God. He will not ignore the cries of the afflicted. If afflictions come your way this year, you can be assured that God will not ignore you as you cry out to Him.

Walking by Faith

Of course, sometimes it doesn't feel like this is true, because sometimes God doesn't fix our situations, and then we feel like our prayers are just hitting the ceiling. And so friends, this will be a matter of faith this year. We will not only believe that God hears us if things change. We will believe that this verse is true whether we feel it or not, and whether we see progress or not. We believe that God hears us and isn't ignoring us, and that He's working to use our afflictions for good.

Friends, go to God with your struggles this year! Wrestle with Him, share with Him, pour out your heart to Him day by day. He won't ignore you. He's not a Father who will say "not now, child, I'm busy". Although sadly we often say "not now Lord, I'm busy!" He is patient and always available to hear you and help you with a listening ear and a word of comfort and help.

He's not ignorant of you friends, and there's not a second where He will be ignorant of you this year.

Reflecting God's Care

And here's a question, as the year begins: will you mirror God, in this way? Will you also refuse to be ignorant to the cries of the needy? Look at what Proverbs 28:27 says: "Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses." Perhaps this is the year God is calling you to live beyond yourself – to be a person who hears the cries and sees the struggles of the needy, and instead of ignoring them, you do what you can to lend a helping hand.

Praise God, on this first day of 2025, for His promise to be attentive and caring towards you. And commit, today, to treating others with the same attentiveness and care that He will show you this year.


God Will Sustain Our Hope


God Will Never Forsake Those Who Seek Him