God's Special Possession

Who We Are in Christ - God's Special Possession

So we've been looking at 1 Peter 2:9, where Peter says “you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.” And then he says “you are God's special possession.” Now that is a beautiful thought, isn't it? A special possession of God.

Let me ask you this. What's your most prized possession? Maybe it's something that was handed down through the family generations. Maybe it was something that you earned, you worked for and you earned and you bought for yourself. Or maybe it's a precious gift that somebody gave to you.

Think about how you treasure this thing, whatever it is, and think about the temporary nature of it. The fact that when you're gone, it's going to have no impact in your life.

Eternal Treasured Possession

It's not wrong to enjoy gifts of this nature, but in the end they're temporary. But God looks at us as a special treasured possession, his people. As a special treasured position. And you know what? It's an eternal position because when we die in this life, we're still God's and we will be in his presence in an amazing way.

Do you realize that God cherishes his people? In fact, there is a prophecy in the book of Malachi where God says “on the day when I act, they (my people), will be my treasured possession. I will spare them just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him.”

Cherished by God

He was talking about the day when Christ comes and offers us salvation. We'll be spared because of God's compassion.

God possesses us in a special way. And don't think that that word possession means that God is uninterested in us and sees us just as an object. It's not as if he's saying, “oh, you're just a thing to me.” He's saying “you're mine, you're mine, you're my precious ones.”

Know today, friends, that those who are in Christ are precious to God. He treasures them immensely.

And so when you look in the mirror, friends, don't say “I'm an idiot, I'm stupid, I'm worthless, I'm a failure.'“ Look in the mirror and say I'm God's special position!” Because, oh, as you've seen in this verse today, it's true. God loves you and cherishes you as his own.


Called out of Darkness


A Holy Nation