Called out of Darkness

Who We Are in Christ - Called out of Darkness

Oh, what wonderful words we've read from Peter this week. He says that those who are in Christ are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession.”

And then at the end of the verse, he explains what this should lead us to do. He says “that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

And so, as God's special people, as we've heard this week, we have a responsibility. We have a calling to declare his praises because of how he has given us new life. He's called us out of darkness into wonderful light.

Declare His Praise

And maybe you need to just think about that phrase today. God called you out of darkness into light. Are you still walking around in darkness? God has called you to light. God has offered you a way out of darkness through faith in Jesus.

Step out of the darkness and into the light if you haven't already, friends. Then when you realize who you are in Christ, all these things we've spoken about this week, then we are given this great opportunity to declare God's praises.

And I think to myself, if we understood who we were in Christ, I think we'd be singing more passionately in church. Of course, it's not about our outward displays of worship. It's about our inner heart when we worship, but we're called to declare his praises.

Why do we sing praise in church? It's because of what God has done for us and who he is. We see ourselves as changed because of him in all these ways we've mentioned this weekend. So we sing and we praise him and we give him glory.

Oh friends, do you rush to church on a Sunday because you can't wait to get together with the chosen people, the holy nation, the royal priesthood of God and sing with them, declare the praises of God with them? Every day we need to be people who declare God's praise, who lift him up in word, but most importantly in our hearts.

Worship with Joy

So don't let a day go by where you don't worship God, where you don't declare his praises. There's nothing more joyful, in fact, for a person who knows they are God's special possession to give him praise and glorify him because of who he is and what he's done.

And so I pray, friends, that this week you've seen that you are valued, not because of your own achievements, but because of the way God sees you as one of his own. And I pray that this will lead you to a life of deep worship, deep praise. You can't help but praise when you know who you are in Christ.

Go well, my friends. As always, thank you for donating to my ministry. It's what keeps my family afloat. And thank you for. Sharing these messages all over the place.

God bless you all. Take care.


The Crown of Life


God's Special Possession