The Crown of Life

The Crown of Life

I've been very blessed by this book of sermons that I've found, which was released in the 1890s, but the messages are still so good and so useful for us today. And these ones were preached by John Wilbur Chapman, a Presbyterian minister and really a great preacher. The second sermon in this book is called The Full Reward, and in it Chapman talks about the Bible's clear teaching on rewards for his people when they come into glory, when they reach the other side. On the day that Christ returns for his church, he will be handing out of great rewards according to the faithfulness of each person. And these are in the New Testament referred to as crowns. And there are 5 crowns that the New Testament talks of. So let's go through them this week and I pray that the teaching will bless you.

Crown of Life

The first one is the crown of life, and we read this in James 1:12” “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial, because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” And in fact, Revelation 2:10 also talks about the crown of life that those who are persecuted but stand strong will receive.

And so those who are martyrs, those who are killed for their faith, will certainly receive this crown. But Chapman says this” “It is likewise the crown that is to be given to the one who is able to only do little things for Christ. Many seem to think that they can do but little for Christ and therefore leave that little undone. This is a most serious error,” he says.

See, friends, we're called to faithfulness in whatever Christ has called us to do, whether it's a big thing or a small thing. Maybe you are called to go and fill stadiums full of people and preach to them. Or maybe you're just called to pray in your home, in your bed. Or maybe it's somewhere in between.

Persevere for Life

Chapman tells a story about starting at a new church and after he preached his first sermon. A man came to him and said, “I'm afraid you're going to fail during your time here.” But then he looked around at the church and said, “I've made up my mind to help you. I've determined to pray for you every day that you're pastor of this church and I've covenanted with two other men to pray for you.” Those three men and a group of others, and eventually a larger group, prayed for Chapman and with him every Sunday as well.

Chapman saw this as their way of being faithful to the call that God had placed on their lives. He says “these are they who upon the day of great reward shall receive the crown of life.”

And so what has God called you to do? Are you going to persevere even when there are trials that come your way? Are you going to carry on doing what he's called you to do even when trials come? Persevere, carry on, do what you've got to do. And friends, one day you will receive the crown of life from God.


The Incorruptible Crown


Called out of Darkness