The Incorruptible Crown

The Incorruptible Crown

We're talking about the rewards that the New Testament promises those who are faithful. Today we're turning to 1st Corinthians 9:25-27, which says this: “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever”. Or as the KJV, the King James Version says, “an incorruptible crown.” Then Paul says “Therefore, I don't run like someone running aimlessly. I don't fight like a boxer beating the air. I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave, so that after I've preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize for the crown.”

Disciplined for Crown

And so he's talking in a figure of speech here about how the Christian life is like a race, and we've got to train for it and be focused and not disqualify ourselves from the crown, because our crown, unlike the crown that people get in sport is a crown that will last, is incorruptible. Some other translations use the word imperishable.

And so as Chapman points out, Paul is teaching that if he's to win this crown that is incorruptible, he must deny himself. He must put the most heroic effort into his faith and stay faithful until the end. And I like what Chapman then says: “the first crown (which we spoke of yesterday) is for the passive Christian. The second is for the enthusiastic follower of Christ. And next to the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Church today needs the baptism of enthusiasm.” I thought that was quite profound. We need enthusiasm to our faith. We need to throw ourselves into the training that makes us into strong Christians.

And so Paul would strive and try and do all he could to bring the good news to people in this life - he commits to great self-discipline and self-denial so that he can be the most effective Christian he can be.

Strive for Reward

And if you look at the life of Paul, he prayed fervently. He fasted fervently. He went where nobody else wanted to go. He really did all he could to bring the good news all over the place. As he said in verse 27, he even strikes a blow to his body. Even if it hurts, he goes where Jesus has called him and says “this way I won't be disqualified from this incorruptible crown.”

And so will you also strive so that you may get this eternal reward? Remember, friends, these rewards are not the reward of eternal life. Those we cannot earn no matter what we do. No good works for God will ever earn us a place in his eternal Kingdom. But these are different rewards. These are crowns which God gives us in the afterlife. I pray that more of us will find the great enthusiasm that Paul had so that we too can one day get that incorruptible crown, that great reward of God saying, “well done, well done! You did all you could for me while you were alive.”


The Crown of Rejoicing


The Crown of Life