The Crown of Rejoicing

The Crown of Rejoicing

The third crown that John Wilbur Chapman identifies in the sermon comes from 1 Thessalonians 2:19. In the King James it says, “What is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?” And if you look at some of the other translations, basically Paul was saying “you are our joy. And when Jesus comes again, you will be our glory and our joy. You, the people that we have led to Christ. We are so joyful that through us you have come to Christ and you're like a crown that we wear!”

The Soul Winner's Crown

Chapman calls it the “soul winners crown”, very old school language of evangelism - winning souls - and yet still true. Bringing people to Jesus that their souls may find their salvation in him.

So those who lead other people to Christ will wear this crown! And Chapman tells a story about a Sunday school worker in his church who had an interesting testimony. He said when he was still just a boy, he wanted to teach Sunday school because he wanted to do something for Jesus who'd saved his life. But he was refused, nobody wanted to let him do it. Eventually he went to the Sunday school Superintendent and said, can I bring in a class from outside? And he was granted this - “Yes, you can do that.”

And so he went out to find young children to bring into the church. The 1st place he went was a great big house in town. He rang the bell and said to the lady who appeared there, “I've come to ask if your boy can come to Sunday school.” She got angry and said, “well, he's been to Sunday school and it's such miserable teaching. I decided he's never going to go again unless somebody good can teach him.” And she said to him, “who's going to teach him at this church of yours?” And this boy became so embarrassed but eventually said “I'll do it. I'll teach him if he comes.” And something in this just touched the mother and said, “OK, next Sunday he'll be there.”

He was the only boy in the class that arrived the next day, and the young teacher told him the story of Jesus, and the younger boy gave his life to God. And those two boys grew up and became great Sunday school teachers in this school and led hundreds of people to Christ.

Crown of Rejoicing

Years later, the younger of the two was on his deathbed and said to his friend and teacher “hasn't it's been a wonderful work that we've done?” And his teacher and friend said, “I'd rather have the satisfaction of leading that one boy to Christ than to have conquered the whole world.”

Oh, I pray that you and I will not be crownless, friends, when we enter into glory! That the crown of joy, the crown of rejoicing, because we've led people to Christ, will be placed on our head by our Father.

Who can you share Jesus with today? Do it, friends. And you know what? Don't do it. So that one day you'll get a crown, but do it out of love for those who are lost and who need Jesus in their lives.

The crowns, all these crowns we're talking about, are extra benefits, really. But in the end, it is the work of drawing people to Christ that is most important.


A Crown of Glory


The Incorruptible Crown