Growth in Grace – The Ongoing Journey
One of the reasons that many people resist the teaching of Christian perfection, even if there are signs of it in the New Testament, is because we think that perfection means completed. And so we can't fathom how somebody who has been perfected could still need improvement. That's contradictory, in our understanding of the word.
But Christian perfection is not a state that cannot be improved upon. Because remember, it's not about perfect performance. It's about perfect intention of love for God and people. And so even though we no longer wander from God or rebel against Him, we do still get it wrong sometimes, and so there is always still room for improvement.
The Necessity of Continual Growth
Listen to John Wesley again, in a sermon called Growth in Grace: "It is impossible, in the nature of things, that a man should stand still in grace. He must either go forward or backward. If he make any progress in Christian life, then he grows in grace; if he does not grow in grace, he goes backward, he falls from grace."
Christian perfection, then, goes hand in hand with growth in grace. In fact the illustration that I first heard and really loved was that of a plant – if you pull the weeds out of the soil and keep them from coming back up, the plant isn't done yet. It still has much growing to do. And now that the weeds aren't coming up and choking the plant, it can grow even faster. That's the picture of the Christian who has been perfected in love – because the weeds of sin are no longer coming up and choking you, you can now grow all the more freely into the creation you are meant to be.
Practices for Spiritual Growth
Daily growth is a necessity for all Christians. As Wesley said, if you aren't growing in grace, you're going backwards and might even fall from grace.
What are you doing to grow as a Christian? You might look to read the Bible consistently, pray consistently, fast occasionally – we've obviously focused on all three of these this Lent, and I hope this has been a time of growth for you. You might go to church regularly, and attend small groups or courses. You might listen to great podcasts or music which strengthens your faith.
More than that, you might look to serve Christ with a new passion. You might volunteer for a ministry at church, or start one. You might start a prayer group at work. You might get involved in a charitable organisation, or you might begin talking more about Jesus to people in your life.
Peter, in his letter to the first Christians, said this: "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 3:18)
If you have asked God to perfect your heart and fill it with His love, don't think you're done! God has got much more for you to do, and much growth in store for you. But this is up to you – if you pursue growth, it will come; but if you don't, you'll go backward fast and probably lose the perfection of heart that you once had.