I Will Trust in Him Because I know Him

I Will, in 2023 (Ps 9) -Trust in Him because I know Him

I just love those four “I will” statements that start Psalm 9: “I will give thanks to God”, “I will tell of His deeds”, “I'll be glad and rejoice”, “I will sing His praise”. What a great way to plan out your life and plan out your year, by determining to do these things!

Now a little further in the Psalm in verse 10 David writes this, “Those who know your name trust in you".

Trust in you, let's turn that into another I will statement and say “I will trust in God” this year.

Choosing Trust Daily

You know, at the beginning of last year we said something similar: We're going to trust God this year. And then a lot of things went wrong in our family last year. There were a lot of health issues, there were a lot of weird ups and downs. But we held on to God and He got us through, and so for me, I'm looking ahead at this year thinking “I wonder what trials await. I wonder what difficulties await! I wonder how things are going to turn out. What events are going to take place in our lives that aren't even on my mind at this point?”

I want to decide to trust in God this year whatever comes, and I want to do it right now. Before it even happens I want to say I trust in God.

Can you say the same today? You know His name, I love how it said that in verse 10 - “Those who know His name trust in Him” , we know God's name, we know who He is. We know that He's the all powerful, almighty God - full of faithfulness and love and so we can trust in Him because we know Him.

Trusting Through Trials

If we take on this attitude, if we adopt this attitude from the beginning, then whatever comes our way, we're prepared. Oh, it might still shock us and it might still frighten us, but in our moments of difficulty this year we can say “I've decided that I'm trusting in God, I've decided that I can hold on to Him even when these difficult times come.”

Let's resolve right now friends to trust! And maybe you'll say this prayer with me as we do that: Father, we don't know what lies ahead, but we trust in You. We don't know what might happen this year Lord but whatever trials and tribulations come our way we declare in this moment that we trust in Your faithfulness. We trust in Your goodness. And we trust that You will work for good in our lives whatever comes this year.

Come what may Lord, we trust in You We declare it in faith today. Because we know Your faithful and good name. Hear our prayer in Jesus' name, Amen.


He Always Has Made a Way


I Will Sing Praises of His Name