Remember God's Love

Every morning we are to come to God in prayer, David has said, and yesterday we spoke about standing against sin. Remember, he said that the arrogant can't stand in your presence and the bloodthirsty and deceitful Lord you detest.

And then in verse 7 - I love this - he says, “But I by your great love can come into your house”.

And so in the morning let's remember God's love. Every morning let's come to God as we are, not pretending to be anything but what we are and say, Lord it's only your great love that welcomes me in.

God's Loving Invitation

Truthfully none of us deserve it. Truthfully if the sinful cannot enter God's presence then none of us can, but by his love he has made a way.

Isn't that what the gospel is all about that Christ made a way for everyone to come back to God? Christ's love paved the way for our reconciliation to God so that we can come into his house and be cleansed of our sins and be made new.

And yet how many of us Christians live in shame? We look at our lives we remember things we've done and situations we've been in and we are filled with shame. We never let ourselves be loved and cleansed by God because we’re too ashamed at what we've done.

Don't let the enemy keep you in a place of shame. Come to God and even if your sins are great, come to him in repentance and faith and you will find that by his great love you can come into his presence!

You will find that if you're sincere in your repentance he welcomes you in. He takes you up in his arms and he cleanses you. Washes away that guilt and that shame.

Embrace God's Forgiveness

Know today that God loves you. You, yes he knows you by name. He created you and wants the best for you, come to him! Turn from those sins we spoke of yesterday and then know God's love. Know that he will forgive you and set you free and help you if he will come to him because so great is his love for you.

David discovered this and David messed up quite badly in his life. He did some very shameful things but instead of being caught in that shame he came to God, confessed and discovered God's great love and found a new life free from his old ways.

The same can happen in your life. Just come to him and every morning friends remind yourself of his great love that has made a way for you.


Seek Joy in God


Take a Stand Against Sin