Jesus is Always At Work

Let's have a closer look at Jesus this week from John 5 and verses 16 to 30. It's a great passage in which Jesus explains his own authority as the Son of God. And the passage begins like this: “Because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, (Jesus was healing people, reaching out to people on the Sabbath) the Jewish leaders began to persecute him. In his defense Jesus said to them, ‘My father is always at work to this very day, and I too am working.’”

God's Unceasing Work

Let's pause there and take note today that God is always at work. In William MacDonald's commentary, he says this: “Having finished the work of creation in six days, God had rested on the seventh day, this was the Sabbath. However, when sin entered the world, God's rest was disturbed. He would now work ceaselessly to bring men and women back into fellowship with Himself.”

And that's a great thought for me today, that God is always working. There's that one song that we sing that says:
Even when I don't see it, you're working
Even when I don't feel it, you're working.
You never stop, You never stop working.

That thought comes straight out of these words from Jesus. “My father is always at work and I too,” Jesus says, “am working.”

Can I encourage you to look at your life today and take note that God is working in your life. That Jesus is working in your life. That God is doing the work that he does and never stops doing. There's not a day that God isn't at work in you. Isn't that amazing?

Of course, you and I need to rest our bodies and our souls, which is why we are still encouraged to rest and have a Sabbath of our own every week. But oh, what a wonder that God never stops working, that he's always busy drawing his people back to him.

Work With Hope

Of course we need to co-labour with God. We need to work alongside God, not just expect him to do everything. I hope that you and I have that type of hard working attitude that goes alongside the work of God.

But find hope today in the fact that whatever you're going through, the Father, Jesus and of course the Spirit too have never stopped working and are continuing to do good things in your life.

Believe it. Hold on to it today and may that bring you great hope.


Jesus is One With the Father


A Crown of Righteousness