Well, we've seen two pictures of Jesus so far this week - at creation and all throughout the Old Testament as the angel of the Lord. But let's get into more familiar territory now as we look at Jesus being born.

Of course, we celebrated this not so long ago at Christmas time. In Luke 2 we see the shepherds hurry off to Bethlehem, finding Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus lying in a manger. And they began to spread the word about this child.

Divine Incarnation Significance

Jesus' birth was a miracle in many ways. Of course, the great miracle is that Mary was a virgin and yet she conceived and gave birth to this child. That was a direct fulfillment of a prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 about the virgin conceiving and giving birth to a son who would be called Immanuel which means “God with us” as we see in Matthew 1:23.

That’s the next miracle is that this baby was far more than just some special child. He was God in the flesh! Isn't that a beautiful picture today? Thinking of Jesus born in a manger coming to save the world and to be with His people?

Humbling Divine Descent

Why is it significant? Well, apart from the miraculous reasons we just mentioned, it's deeply significant that Jesus who created the world as we saw on Monday and came into the world as a powerful angelic figure in the Old Testament as we saw yesterday, then came as a child, as a baby boy.

He was born in utter humility, showing this that God doesn't need us to try and reach up and touch him, but he will come down and descend and touch us.

Have this picture of Jesus in your mind, as the God who is great but who came down to earth to become one with these people and to be Immanuel, God with us.

What a picture! Worship him today for coming the way that he did.


Jesus the boy


Jesus the Angel of the Lord