Jesus’ Most Important Event

Jesus Ascended - Jesus’ Most Important Event

If you had to ask Christians around the world to name the most important event in Jesus’ ministry, there is no doubt that they would say:

-          The cross! And of course the cross is essential. It was there that he died and shed the precious blood that washes away the sin of the world.

-          But then some would say - His resurrection was more important! Because if he hadn’t risen from the dead, his sacrifice would’ve been a powerless martyr’s death. Paul even said that if Christ wasn’t raised then we are still in our sins. So, the cross has no power without the Resurrection. Maybe the empty tomb is more important than the cross.

But listen to these words from the great theologian and teacher RC Sproul: “I am now convinced that no single event in the life of Jesus is more important than the ascension, not even the crucifixion or the resurrection. It is dangerous business to assign relative values to the episodes of Christ’s life and ministry, but if we underestimate the significance of the ascension, we sail in perilous waters… The story does not end with the empty tomb. To write finis there is to miss a climactic moment of redemptive history, a moment toward which both Old and New Testaments move with inexorable determination. The ascension is the apex of Christ’s exaltation… Without it, the resurrection ends in disappointment and Pentecost would not be possible.”

Ascension: Divine Glory

Have you thought of it that way before? That without the Ascension of Christ, the resurrection ends in disappointment, and Pentecost would not be possible?

Ascension Day is on Thursday. It used to be a public holiday here in South Africa, but it isn’t anymore. And I think that, as a result of this, many of us here hardly consider the wonder of this special day.

What a pity! Because the disciples themselves worshipped as Jesus ascended. We read in Luke 24:51-53: “While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.” (Luke 24:51–53 NIV11)

They praised Him, they worshipped Him as they saw Him ascend, because this was the moment when He was finally, undoubtedly shown to be who He claimed to be. The One with all authority on heaven and earth, ascended to the throne of God in glory.

Worship in Ascension

Will you join the disciples and worship Him today, not just for the cross and resurrection, but because you know that He is ascended to His heavenly throne, and He reigns on high in power in glory?

Maybe you’ll use these words from a popular worship song to get you praising:

You came from heaven to earth to show the way
From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay
From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky
Lord I lift your name on high!


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