We're looking at Jesus' life in ten pictures based on little documentary I saw. And I want you to imagine Mary's house as an old lady, her staying in a home and having pictures of Jesus, her son, around the house.

What sort of pictures would she hang up?

Well, we spoke last week about a few different things such as Jesus' birth and his baptism - special moments that I'm sure she must have cherished. Let's go on and look at another five this week. And let's look first of all at Jesus teaching.

Jesus the Teacher

Do you have a picture of Jesus sitting, teaching the people? This is such a common picture all throughout the gospels. In Matthew 5, the first two verses say “when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him and he began to teach them.”

Picture Jesus sitting on the mountainside, teaching. You see, many people think it's just Jesus' lifestyle we need to emulate. The way that he reached out to sinful people and gave them love and compassion. That's what it's all about. And it is, as we shall see in the next few days.

But we need to remember that Christ was a teacher. They called him Rabbi, which meant teacher. And they would sit at his feet and listen to his words. His words were so important to them. Everyone wanted to hear what he had to say because his teaching was so profound. It showed such depth of understanding that nobody else had ever heard.

In fact, in Mark 1:22, we read that the people were amazed at his teaching because he taught them as one who had authority. Let that picture of Jesus being in your mind - always think of him as a great teacher of the truth.

Embrace Jesus's Words

And then friends, I implore you: Lose yourself in the gospels. Spend day after day of your life going deeper into his words, looking closely at what he said., what he was trying to get across to the people. Because his words give life.

In fact, he even spoke about a time when all heaven and earth will pass away. But he says, my words will never pass away - Mark 13:31, “my words will never pass away.”

Take his words to heart because Jesus' teaching contains truth itself and the only real way to understand life.


Jesus healing


Jesus Baptised