So let's look at a fifth picture of Jesus. We've seen him in creation, we've seen him as the angel of the Lord, we've seen him born and as a child, and then came the big moment in his life when Jesus was baptized.

It's interesting in Luke 3:21 that we read, “When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too.” And so as much as this was a very special and unusual baptism, notice how he is doing it with the other people. There is a sense of him connecting with the community here, Jesus identifying with his people.

Jesus didn't need to be baptized to represent his forgiveness of sins. That's what our baptism represents - it represents us dying to our old lives of sin and rising up in holiness and righteousness, cleansed and made new. Jesus needed no cleansing because he had no sin from the beginning. And yet he goes and he is baptized and it symbolized the beginning of his ministry.

Triune Unity Displayed

The Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove, the voice of God the Father came from heaven saying, “You are my son, whom I love! With you I am well pleased!” And so we see a picture of Jesus in unison with the Father and the Spirit. It's a beautiful moment.

And I think this picture of Jesus should stick in our minds. Perfect communion - the three of them. We can never take Jesus away from the Father and the Spirit. We can never separate him from them. Even when he was a human being, he was still part of the Trinity.

What a memorable event and a true sign that Christ is divine unlike anybody else and yet joins with his people. Lives life alongside them and identifies with them.

Majestic Humility Embraced

And this moment proves that he is worthy of our praise and yet still humble and willing to identify himself with us. Oh, what a wonderful Savior! Will you praise him today and hold this picture of him in your mind with joy?

Friends, I hope that these pictures of Jesus are giving you a nice overall view of who he was and what he was all about. And I hope that they'll stay with you this weekend as you worship with your local church and as you seek to live as one of his followers.


Jesus teaching


Jesus the boy