Listen Listen!

I’ve shared two original Christmas songs with you this December, one written by my friend Richard and one that I wrote. This week I have another song of mine to share, which I wrote in 2023 for Christmas. The other two were ballads, but this is a real upbeat, joyful song called He is the Reason. Take a listen to verse 1:

Listen, listen to the angels singing
Glory, glory to the newborn King
Listen, listen, heaven's bells are ringing
He has come new life on earth to bring

The Call to Listen

Listen! Listen to the angels singing, listen to the bells of heaven ringing. I think I was trying to remind myself to pay attention to the sounds of Christmas, and allow them to direct me to the message of Christmas – the glory of the newborn King and the wonder of the new life He brings.

I find lately that it is easier than ever for me to listen to all sorts of other things rather than the message of Jesus. There is an endless supply of videos online now – it is estimated that it would take one person 60,000 years to watch all the YouTube videos, assuming the same amount keep getting posted. Podcasts cover any topic you can imagine. Music of all genres and tastes is easy to get hold of.

Of course, in many cases this is a good thing. There is much to learn through these resources, and much to help you enjoy life and relax. But as I said, I find it so easy to get distracted by all these things. Sometimes I wonder how much space I give God in my conscious mind, and how much space I allow other thoughts, ideas, and concepts through all these videos and podcasts.

The Challenge of Distraction

Listen, listen, I sing in this song. Listen to the angels and the bells – listen to the message of Christmas, and listen to Jesus, to what He had to say in His life once He had grown, and what His followers had to say as they wrote the New Testament.

What are you listening to most, this Christmas? Anything but God? Or do you give God the time and space to speak to you through His Word, and His songs, and His people?

As Christmas approaches you can choose what you will listen most closely to. May it be that you choose to listen to the life-giving message of Jesus, and songs and people that lift Him up, so that your spirit can enjoy the new life He brings, rather than getting bogged down by the noises of the world.


Born That We May All Be Born Again


They Come From Far and Wide