A Half Gospel

I Beg to Differ - A Half Gospel

As I read Peter's Storey's book, I Beg to Differ, I found that over and over again he spoke about the danger of what he called a half-gospel, inspired very much by John Wesley himself.

Storey said over and over again in this book that a true gospel is not one that's simply personal, but one that ends up being acted outwardly in acts of compassion. And he says that both elements are important.

In fact, listen to these words at the end of one of his sermons, which he quotes on page 329.  He says: “Some of you here have been so busy with your personal spirituality that you've drowned out the cries of the poor and oppressed with your hallelujahs. You need to repent and ask God for a new commitment to social justice. Others have been so busy changing the world that you've neglected your own personal piety. You've been so busy protesting and picketing that you've forgotten how to pray. You need to repent and commit yourself to a new personal walk with Jesus. So come together, kneel here, and ask God to help you to get your gospel together again.”

Balanced Faith Commitment

Powerful words, convicting words. And I would guess that many of us find ourselves on either side of this fence, either very focused on our individual faith without ever reaching out to the poor and the oppressed. Others are very committed to social justice, but miss God in the process.

And so are you on one of these sides? Or are you somewhere in the middle, which is where we want to be?

Now, as you know, since apartheid ended, there is still a great deal of suffering around.  It's not of the same nature as it was in those terrible years. But there's still so much suffering in our country.  We have one of the biggest divides between rich and poor in South Africa and there is so much to be done to reach out to those in need.

Embrace the Whole Gospel

This was really a theme of Jesus’ life. In fact he tells a very difficult parable in Luke 16 about a rich man who lived in luxury every day and outside his house lay this beggar named Lazarus who was always covered in sores and just wanted something to eat. This man never reached out to him.

And then Jesus tells of how both men die and the rich man ended up in hell, the poor man in heaven. And the rich man would reach up and say, Lord, have pity on me, and let Lazarus dip his finger in water and cool my tongue as I languish here in the fires!

Heavy stuff, but it gives you an idea of how serious Jesus was about the way we treat the poor. And in the Old Testament, the prophets are continually appealing to the people who have much and saying reach out, reach out, live with mercy, live with justice and compassion. And God often rejects the people because they haven't done this.

And so as you look at your life today, maybe honestly it's time to repent of being on either side of the fence. Maybe it's time that you embrace a more social gospel that cares for the needs of the world in a deeper way.

Or maybe it's time for you to come back to God and focus more on your personal relationship with Him. Because when you meet Jesus face to face, you don't want to find yourself having lived only a half gospel.


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