Peter Storey – Ordinary People

South African Spiritual Greats - Peter Storey – Ordinary People

Today is voting day, and we South Africans are ready to head out to our voting stations and make our mark in our country’s history, however small our role might be.

And this reminds me of the words of another South African spiritual giant. Reverend Peter Storey was a very influential Methodist minister in years gone by. A few years ago I read his book I Beg to Differ, and I actually recorded a series of devotions on that book, it inspired me so.

I think this quote from Rev Storey is perfect for us today. He said “There have been many, many others who have stood for the truth. They have been a minority, but together, the convictions of that minority and their commitment to obey God and stand for God's truth have made it possible for this moment of God's intervention - God's turning of the tide. Never underestimate the importance of ordinary people standing for the truth, because they also enable others to play their part.”

Embrace Civic Responsibility

Now, in every country, many people decide not to vote. They say things like “I am not a citizen of this world, I am a citizen of heaven, why should I vote?” or “what difference does one vote make?” Well, firstly let’s remember what Beyers Naude said in our devotion yesterday, that it is an evasion of Christian responsibility to close your eyes to the injustice around you. I believe that not voting is an evasion of Christian responsibility. And I believe it because, as Peter Storey said in our quote today, we can’t underestimate the power of ordinary people standing together for truth.

In the end, countries rise and fall on the action or inaction of ordinary people. When the people are content to sit and do nothing, then no reform comes. But if the people will work for good and justice, then good and justice begin to infiltrate the land.

Ordinary people can make an extraordinary difference simply by playing their part and standing up for good. And as Christians this is so true isn’t it – remember when Paul said to Timothy “don’t let anybody look down on you because you are young”? (1 Tim 4:12 NIV) He was saying “don’t think you’re too ordinary to make a difference. But set an example in the way you live your life.”

Friends, don’t let anybody tell you that you are too ordinary and low down and unimportant to do good! Play your part! Stand up and be counted! Because remember, even if nobody else sees what you do, God sees. He knows when you got up and did the right thing even when nobody else knows. He knows when you stayed put and didn’t do the right thing too. He wants to see his people – ordinary people – stand up and do what is right.

Embrace Everyday Acts

So today, do something small. Get out there and vote.

And tomorrow, do something small. Get out there and show a kindness. Say a compassionate word. Reach out. Confront evil. Be self-controlled. Go to church. Read your Bible. Spend time with the people you love. Pray!

Ordinary acts… extraordinary consequences, even if we can’t see them.

So let’s take Rev Storey’s words to heart and play our part, not underestimating the good that can come from ordinary people doing good things.


Nelson Mandela – This World and the Next


Beyers Naudé – Humanity and Responsibility