Pictures of Backsliding

Two verses from Scripture to start us off this week. First, Hosea 11:7: “My people are bent to backsliding from me: though they called them to the most High, none at all would exalt him.” And from Proverbs 14:14: “The backslider in heart will be filled with the fruit of his ways, and a good man will be filled with the fruit of his ways.”

Rugby World Cup

In 2023, South Africa won the Rugby World Cup. Shereen and I, along with all of South Africa, watched the final. At half time, I told her the Springboks used to have a habit of starting strong and falling apart in the second half. Thank goodness that didn’t happen this time round! It’s the same in South African cricket—we’re known as "chokers" because we start well but often collapse under pressure.

This makes me think of the Boksburg Parkrun, a 5km walk or run held every Saturday. It starts with a nice downhill, but at around 3km there’s a hill, and everyone slows down. Some people are even tempted to take the shortcut back to the finish line because it’s easier to bail than to push through.

Christian Life Struggles

I think the Christian life is often like this. Many start strong but struggle later, just like the Proteas or the parkrunners who can’t handle the uphill. I’m reminded of G.K. Chesterton’s famous words: "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried."

Last week I shared a word to the faithful; this week is a word to the backsliders – a word for those who have perhaps found the Christian life difficult and stopped trying. Maybe you think, "I’m not a backslider, I’m a church-goer, I’m listening, aren’t I?" But I’ve been there too – sitting in the pews, playing piano, or even standing at the pulpit, appearing to be a good Christian, but knowing in my heart I had drifted from God.

It could be that you’ve been going to church, singing, and taking part in all of it, but inside, you feel you’ve drifted from God. You’re not where you should be in your faith. Maybe you started strong, but over time you found yourself drifting, slipping, stepping back.

Call to Come Home

Today, God calls you to come home. It’s not too late to turn from your backsliding. The Springboks know how long they have before the final whistle. You and I don’t know when ours will blow.

So while we can, let’s heed the words of the prophet Hosea. Let’s turn from our backsliding and come home to our God.


The Capacity for Backsliding


Beware Compromise