Scripture’s Usefulness

Let’s look again at Paul’s words: “You have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:15–17 NIV11)

Why would God need to speak to us through words on a page? Paul gives us two answers: to make us wise for salvation, and to equip us through teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training.

Every day of our lives, we can choose to live our way, or God’s way. And if we’ve become convinced that God’s way is the only way we want to live, the Bible shows us how. Every day.

Discover Divine Treasures

It amazes me how the Bible keeps on giving. It never stops being useful! In fact one of the men who was instrumental in one of the most important modern translations of early Biblical manuscripts was named Dr Buchanan. In a conversation with a friend, a short time before his death, Dr. Buchanan was describing the minute pains he had been taking with the proofs and revisions of this translation, every page of which passed under his eye five times before it was finally sent to press. He said he had expected that this process would have begun to irritate him, but he explained to his friend that every fresh look over the sacred pages seemed to unveil new beauties. And he said to his friend that he got quite emotional when he realised how blessed by God he was to delight in God’s Word in this way.

The Bible is ever fresh. Ever relevant. Ever helpful. Ever useful. You can read the same passage time and again and new wonders jump out at you!

Are you longing to know the truth about God? Whether or not He is real? Search the Scriptures! They will reveal Him to you if you are truly searching for Him.

Are you longing for meaning? Purpose? Direction? Search the Scriptures! They are filled page by page with wisdom for daily living.

Do you need help living the Christian life? Search the Scriptures! The truths you find within will equip you and strengthen you day by day by day.

Are you looking for joy, and peace in your soul? Search the Scriptures! For they are more than just textbooks, but delightful treasures.

Embrace God's Word

It is the WORD that draws us close to God, the WORD that helps us, the WORD that inspires us, the WORD that fill us with joy!

Live a Scripture-soaked life! There is no other way to live a faithful Christian life! It is our hope and our help and our joy because God himself is in these pages. In fact somebody once said that just as God walked through the garden of Eden looking for Adam and Eve so now God walks through the pages of Scripture, seeking His people.

I believe that there is nothing as useful in the Christian life as taking in the Word of God. Nothing can keep you going with God like the Word. Nothing can strengthen your faith like God’s Word.

Soak your mind in it, and do it daily. It will change your life.


Scripture’s Daily Use


Scripture’s Inspiration