Seeking Godliness Without Power

A Misguided Life - Seeking Godliness Without Power

So we are to seek knowledge of the truth, but be careful as you do so! Because the third type of misguided person, in Paul’s words here, are those who  have “a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” (2 Timothy 3:5 NIV)

A form of godliness without power. Appearing godly and spiritual and religious but having no real spiritual effectiveness at all.

Again I’m reminded of John Wesley. He founded the Methodists in the 1700s, and towards the end of his life he famously wrote these words: "I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid, lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power.”

Embrace Spirit's Power

In fact my own denomination, the Church of the Nazarene, formed because in those days the leaders felt that the Methodists in their area were living with the form of religion or having a form of godliness without the power.

This is a verse that keeps me up at night, I confess! I lie awake wondering: am I a man with the form of godliness, denying its power? I pray not. And I pray that our church will not be a church that just looks godly but lacks God’s power!

You see, even knowledge about God’s truth cannot substitute being filled with God’s power. Satan is knowledgeable. He knows the truth about God. He is a very astute and clever theologian - understanding the Christian faith deeply.

But he hates it! He disguises himself as an angel of light, the Bible says – with the appearance of godliness. But He has no Spirit of God in him.

Many people get so caught up in religious knowledge. They even know the truth, but they miss the powerful living presence of the Holy Spirit that is the essence of the Christian life.

Here’s how we avoid this misguided way of life: We believe that the Spirit is at work in us now. That his power is available immediately, and constantly.

You see, we don’t have any power of our own! It’s not our power that Paul is talking about, because we are powerless. It’s a life so yielded to the power of the Spirit by faith that we live full of holy love and free from selfish sin.

Faith trumps knowledge in the end. Faith in the Spirit’s immediate power is what fuels our walk with God and makes the knowledge effective.

Live in Power

I pray that today, and tomorrow, and every day, you and I will live not just with the appearance of godliness. But with the power! With His power on us and in us and through us!

Power over sin and selfishness!
Power over darkness and defeat!
Power to endure difficulties with grace and joy and peace!
Power from God for a stronger and higher and deeper Christian life!

It’s available today, for you and me, by faith.


Seeking Faith Without Persecutions


Seeking Knowledge Without Truth