Seeking Knowledge Without Truth

A Misguided Life - Seeking Knowledge Without Truth

A second misguided approach to life, according to Paul, comes from his words in v6-7 of 2 Timothy. He says that these misguided people are “the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:6–7 NIV)

So when you are seeking pleasure in sinful ways and loaded down with sin instead of taking your place at the feast of God, you not only lack true joy, but you end up missing the truth completely. You might even be always learning, but you’ll be far from the truth.

Education is a very important thing. George Washington Carver said “education is the key that unlocks the golden door to freedom.” Our own Madiba said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” We need to learn, we need to grow, we need to be equipped in this life.

Pursue Truthful Knowledge

In fact our church has come alongside a local group here called “Work 4 a Living”. This is a group that is all about educating. They teach people basic skills like job readiness, work ethics, interview skills, business skills, all aimed at showing people in this country who are struggling how they can better themselves, look for work, create their own businesses, and contribute to the community. This education is vital.

But what I love most about W4AL is that they are not just about knowledge. They’re about truth! Because their training is not just focused on skills development, they are about training people spiritually and bringing them to Christ!

Their courses teach Bible values. Their courses teach repentance and being born again. Their courses teach Christian living in a dark world.

Sadly our universities are not the same. Our schools have also largely become de-Christianised. And so we are ending up with many people who are highly knowledgeable in many areas, but without a knowledge of the truth.

Think about the things you watch, the things you listen to, the people you interact with in person or online. Are they helping you to amass knowledge that is void of truth? Are you listening to voices that may show you some useful things but pull you from truth?

Grow in Truth

Oh friends, seek knowledge. Grow in knowledge as much as you can. John Wesley was actually famous for being so widely read that he knew a lot about just about anything. His general knowledge was enormous. But he called himself “a man of One book”. The Word of God!!!

A misguided life amasses knowledge but remains ignorant of the things of God. Don’t make that mistake. Pursue God. Learn God. Educate yourself in God’s ways.

Surround yourself with deep Christians. Join a Bible study. Watch great preachers and listen to great Christian music.

Grow in your knowledge of the truth above all else, and you’ll be guided in the right direction along life’s paths.


Seeking Godliness Without Power


Seeking Pleasure Without God