Servants Make Much of the Master

The Life of a Servant - Servants Make Much of the Master

Picture for a moment, a servant who is serving at the dinner of table of their Master. The servant’s role is not to draw attention to himself, but to point out how great the Master is! To show the guests how wonderful the Master is.

Being a servant of God means taking attention off of ourselves and pointing to the Master. When Joshua told the people of Israel to choose if they would serve other gods or the LORD, this is how they responded: “Far be it from us to forsake the LORD to serve other gods! It was the LORD our God himself who brought us and our parents up out of Egypt, from that land of slavery, and performed those great signs before our eyes. He protected us on our entire journey and among all the nations through which we traveled. And the LORD drove out before us all the nations, including the Amorites, who lived in the land. We too will serve the LORD, because he is our God.”

Pointing to God

They were saying GOD is great! Look at what He’s done! He saved us, delivered us, performed great signs and wonders, protected us, helped us! HE is great, we will serve HIM.

Is that our picture of life? HE is great, let’s put our focus on Him?

When we were in London a few years back Shereen and I went on a short 30-minute boat ride up the River Thames. It was great, until the rain came! We made it through the rain, and then turned around and went back through the same rain! But all the while, there was a lady talking about London. She was pointing out the sights, the wonders, the history. And we didn’t even see her! I don’t remember her name, or what her voice sounded like, but I remember the things she was pointing us to – the great sights and wonders of that city. In a sense, she was a servant of London – not telling us how great she was, or what she had done but how great London was!

That’s a picture of the life of a servant! As we go through life, are we pointing out God and His wonders? Never mind if people don’t know us, or remember us, but do they know GOD because of us? Because we were pointing them to Him?

Love in Service

Somebody in London told us that people like that often don’t get paid. They just love serving their city in that way, they volunteer. They just do things like that out of love for their city. Again, a picture of the servant of God. As JL Massee once said: Service can never become slavery to one who loves.

Servants make much of their Master, because they love their Master. That is our role in this life. To make much of the God whom we love more than anything.

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord in love… How about you?


Servants Do the Work of the Master


Servants are Loyal to the Master