Spiritually Rich

One of the things that I most despise in the church world is the prosperity gospel.

You've heard of this I'm sure - it's an understanding of Christianity that says God wants you to be prosperous in every way, and so give your life to Him and you will begin to GET MORE – more wealth, more health, more success, more more more!

It's such a false view of the New Testament's teaching on the Christian life – the early Christians and Jesus Himself modelled lives of humility, contentment and satisfaction with simply being God's, not a thirst for more and more prosperity.

Understanding True Spiritual Abundance

I hope that my church never begins teaching a prosperity gospel - it certainly won't while I'm here. Sure, it might bring more people in the doors, but it is false and dangerous.

However, God is a generous God. And I believe He does want to bless us with more and more in our lives – not more and more money, health and prosperity (although if those things come - great! If not - praise God anyway!) But I'm talking about more and more spiritual riches God wants to bless us with. More grace! More growth! More of God Himself in my life!

I want to have more and more in my life! More joy in my relationship with God, and more of His anointing and power!

Seeking God's Spiritual Riches

Jesus said this: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10). Life to the full! Not lacking any spiritual richness, but filled up on God.

To use another picture from Scripture, David in the famous Psalm 23, said this: "You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows" (Psalm 23:5). A cup filled to overflowing! A life of more and more!

And so my friends, journey with me for a few weeks as I speak about the different riches with which God wants to bless His children. And begin to think about it today: am I seeking more and more of the wrong thing? Or is my life a pursuit of more and more spiritual riches in Christ?

The truth is, the material stuff doesn’t fulfil. But riches in Christ, in our hearts, in our souls – these are the ones that make life worth living.

May we receive more and more of His riches, in faith, this year.


God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense


Pain With a Purpose