Yet… God is Holding Me

I want to show you this week how the word “yet” can become part of your Christian life. All through the Bible we see this word, and it’s used as a kind of a counter word. You say one thing, and then you say “yet” and top the first statement with another one!

We see this in Psalm 73, which is a very relatable Psalm. The author looks around at the world and sees a lot of bad people doing very well for themselves, and a lot of good people suffering. And this causes him to get quite upset but towards the end of the Psalm he drops a little “yet” into his thinking, and it has a big impact. He says: “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.” (Psalm 73:23 NIV11)

Things don’t make sense, he cries… Life is unfair… I’m frustrated… I’m angry… YET.

Hope in Him

YET God is with me always. He holds me by my right hand. Can you feel his tension dissolve, his frustrations diminish? Instead of holding onto those things and being fuelled by those feelings, he says “yet”, and he reminds himself that God is in control, holding him. A small word makes a big difference.

Today’s world is full of evil. Christian values are being pushed out everywhere. Godlessness is on the rise. Our young people are so deeply attached to TikTok and such things that they see the world in a very godless way. Politics gives us no hope. War is breaking out all over.

For anybody with a working mind it’s hard not to get frustrated, and anxious even, as we look around at what’s going on.
Yet God is with us! In fact, possibly the most powerful YET in the Bible comes from Job. His life fell apart, one disaster after the next, because Satan had permission from God to go after him. Eventually his wife says to him “curse God and die.” But Job is not a man whose faith is rocked by tragedy. And in a moment of amazing faith, he says this in Job 13:15 “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him” (Job 13:15 NIV11) 

Wow! Though he slay me, though life may go wrong in a hundred ways, yet I will hope in Him.

Yet, He Is

I wonder, my friends, if you had to look at your life today, if a well-placed yet might not make a big difference for you. I wonder if you might need to start saying: things are tough, we are struggling, and frustrated, yet! God is with us! God is holding us! Yet we will hope in Him!

Because He is, you know. He is with you friends. Jesus promised that He would always be with those who follow Him. If we are children of God, saved by Him and living for Him, we can say “yet He is with me, yet He is holding me” and even “yet I will hope in Him” in any and every situation.


Yet… God is Merciful


Job Didn’t Conceal His Sin