YOU Can Do Good Works
Let me share a little story to close our week talking about good works.
Jackson Rogers was 10 years old when his pastor at First Presbyterian Church gave him $100 and told him to do something good to help someone.
Jackson knew straightaway that what he wanted was to help a homeless family. But he wasn’t too sure how to do that, so he asked his dad. They spoke about it and after a while they came up with a plan: they would begin a letter-writing campaign asking for donations to raise $50,000 to build a house through Habitat for Humanity. Jackson wrote the letter in his own handwriting on notebook paper. He wrote “I used the hundred dollars to buy stamps and paper!” He then sent out the letters to friends, family, and people in the neighbourhood.
Small Acts Matter
Well, Jackson’s letter caused a stir! One woman was so touched by his words that she passed the letter on to several of her friends and colleagues. Before long there were people from all around the United States sending in cheques.
In total, 170 people responded, making a total contribution of $43,000. When the congregation at First Presbyterian learned that Jackson was $7,000 short of his goal, the church people chipped in the rest to make up the $50,000.
Jackson’s mother, in an interview, said this: “A little person can do something really good. You don’t have to wait to be an adult.”
Embodying Love
I guess that most of us listening or reading are adults! What good works are we doing to embody the love of Jesus in our community? Jackson Rogers did something wonderful with a small amount of money. What’s our excuse?
We’re not saved by good works, but we are saved for good works. May I call us again to eagerly do good in the name of Jesus, so that the world sees, and doesn’t just hear about Christ at work in our lives.
Let’s take up the challenge and do something good in His name!