EAGER for Good Works

Paul’s words to Titus sum up what we’ve said so far this week about good works. He wrote: “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.” (Titus 2:11–14 NIV11)

Eager to Do Good

So now that we are saved, and living with our hope in Jesus, we passionately, eagerly, consistently, do what is good in His name.

And this means, firstly, avoiding evil, Paul says. Cutting evil out of our lives, eagerly; saying no to the worldly ways of our past; and then secondly, being eager to do what is good.

Works of Mercy

In Wesleyan church circles, good works are normally divided into two categories. First we have works of piety. These are the good works that will help you grow in your faith. They are healthy personal works that each Christian should commit to, things like:

-       Prayer

-       Reading Scripture

-       Taking Holy Communion

-       Fasting

-       Getting involved in a Christian community

-       Healthy living

Being eager to do these things in your own life daily will certainly result in a good life that honours God and keeps you in step with him.

Secondly, we are called to works of mercy. These are good works directed at others. Good works that will touch the lives of people in need. These include things such as:

-       Feeding the hungry and giving water to the thirsty

-       Providing clothing those who don’t have

-       Helping the homeless find shelter

-       Visiting the sick, the imprisoned, or the lonely

Jesus spoke about this. He said that whenever we do these things, we’re actually doing them for Him.

Spiritual Acts of Mercy

But works of mercy can go further into helping people spiritually. In the Catholic church, believers are also encouraged to perform spiritual acts of mercy, which are:

-       To instruct the ignorant

-       To counsel the doubtful

-       To admonish sinners

-       To bear patiently those who wrong us

-       To forgive offenses

-       To comfort the afflicted

-       To pray for those in need 

God calls us to more good works this year. How about offering more forgiveness and grace to people who’ve wronged you this year? How about offering more comfort and help and friendship to people who are struggling this year? How about praying more for those in need this year? How about a quick phone call, a quick message, a quick visit to that person who needs it most?

I hope that we followers of Jesus will always be eager to do good works in our lives – not just works of piety that feed us spiritually, but also works of mercy that bless others.

Let your eagerness to do good be seen by all today.


YOU Can Do Good Works


SAVED for Good Works