Zacchaeus is Seen By Jesus

I love this verse: "When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, 'Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.'" (Luke 19:5 NIV)

I wonder if Jesus spotted him, spotted this strange sight of a man running with his robe flapping in the wind, spotted this weird sight of him shimmying up the tree trunk? Or did Jesus just know that he was there?

I’m not sure! It doesn't really matter - what matters is that Zacchaeus was seen by Jesus and acknowledged by Jesus. When we go out of our way to connect with Jesus:

He sees us. He acknowledges us. He makes the connection for us!

He Sees You Today

If you are seeking Him, He will see you, and show Himself.

Can I remind you that Jesus sees you today. He is not looking past you. Maybe everybody else looks past you. Maybe you feel that God has far more important things to worry about than you.

Don't believe that. Stop believing that now. Because our God sees each one of us. He knows each one of us. He sees you friend.

And let me tell you: He sees what nobody else can. Where others maybe just see a short, selfish tax-collector, Jesus sees somebody to love. Somebody to care for. Somebody for whom life and hope and transformation are possible!

He sees you today. And He loves you.

He Sees Your Situation

He also sees your situation. He sees what you're going through. He sees your struggles and your pain and your worries and your anxiety. And He offers to help you through them. He offers to be your strength when you are weak. To be your comfort, to be a shoulder on which to cry. To be a listening ear, and to give you help and advice too, in His Word.

Friends if you can get a grip on this, it'll change your life! Jesus sees you.

There's an old hymn that is called "Pass Me Not O Gentle Saviour." It was written by Fanny Crosby who went to a prison to do some ministry. And as she was walking through the cells she heard the voice of a prisoner say "Good Lord, do not pass me by."

Jesus won't pass you by today. He's here and He sees you.


Zacchaeus Welcomes Jesus


Zacchaeus Seeks Jesus