Zacchaeus Welcomes Jesus

As we saw yesterday, Jesus sees you. But now the ball is in your court. And you've got to do what Zacchaeus did. He welcomed Jesus. We read: "So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly." (Luke 19:6 NIV)

No hesitation! He came down and welcomed Jesus into his home. Into his life.

I made the case a few weeks ago that when Peter allowed Jesus into his boat, it changed everything for him. And I guess I want to make the same point here. Welcome Jesus gladly today, and you will be in a place to receive His blessing.

Coming Down from the Tree

But I think many of us choose to stay up in a tree! It's easier to wave at Jesus from a tree, than to come down and welcome Him into your home.

Some of us are saying "pass me not O gentle Saviour" but others are saying "pass me! Leave me alone!" Even when you’re at church, doing the Christian thing, it's easy to distance yourself, and keep your heart from getting too close.

I want to encourage you today to come to Jesus and welcome Him gladly. Welcome Him into your home, your heart! And yes I know that people will mutter. They did that with Zacchaeus as well – we read that Zacchaeus "came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mutter, 'He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.'" (Luke 19:6-7 NIV)

Breaking Down the Distance

So many people think "I'm a sinner - I should just keep my distance from Jesus" because Old Testament, distance was what it was all about. God's greatness was so emphasized, and people's sinfulness was so serious that the people always had to keep their distance from God.

When God appeared to Moses on Mt Sinai He said to him "don't come any closer!" The tabernacle and the temple kept people at a distance - nobody could enter the holiest place because they were too sinful, and only the high priest could enter once a year: he must have been terrified when he went in there.

And so many of us feel this distance, we feel we should just keep far from God and believe but not get close.  And that's tragic. Because God wants us closer.

Charles Spurgeon said "What a state of safety and privilege is this nearness to God through Jesus!"

Will you welcome Him? Or will you keep Him out? Stay in your tree, watch Him at distance?

I pray that you’ll draw near, and open yourself up today to welcome Jesus in like Zacchaeus did.


Zacchaeus is Changed by Jesus


Zacchaeus is Seen By Jesus