Disowning Jesus

A Strong Christian Life - Disowning Jesus

Paul has shown us how to live a strong Christian life, in his words to Timothy. But let me present you with one alternative to this strong Christian life. Because you see, not everyone chooses to die with Jesus. Not everyone chooses to endure in faith.  But Paul says in the end of this passage that there will be those who disown Jesus and lose their faith. He wrote: “If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.” (2 Timothy 2:12–13 NIV)

Many people are disowning Jesus in our day. Many people have become faithless - turning away from the faith they once had.

To use the metaphors we saw yesterday:
-       They’re soldiers who go AWOL. They walk out on their great duty to serve their commander with joy!
-       They’re athletes who give up. Why run this race? There are more fun things to do. And so they duck into the crowds.
-       They’re farmers who think - this is pointless work. Who needs a farm, we can feed on fast food.

Don’t Abandon Faith

Perhaps you’ve made that decision in your life. Perhaps you’ve been tempted to. Today the trend goes by the name deconstruction. People leave the Christian faith and call it ‘deconstructing’ their faith.

A few famous examples of this are Derek Webb and Audrey Assad, Christian musicians who once wrote wonderful Spirit-filled Christian music, who announced that they no longer believe and have ‘deconstructed’ their faith.

Well there were ‘deconstructionists’ in the early church too, Paul mentioned at the end of chapter 1 “everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me, including Phygelus and Hermogenes.” (2 Timothy 1:15 NIV11) They’re gone! Deconstructed. And so he said to Timothy but you stay strong. You don’t disown Jesus. You don’t be faithless. You keep strong my dear son Timothy!

I understand the desire to deconstruct and become a secular, non-religious person. Dying to self is hard. In a world that says exalt yourself… dying to self is hard. Enduring with Christ is hard. In a world that says avoid all pain… enduring is hard.

GK Chesterton once wrote “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.” Don’t stop trying friends! Don’t stop dying daily and enduring the difficulties of the faith.

Remain Faithful Always

Paul said “if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.” God’s ways don’t change. Those who disown him will, sadly, regret their actions. God is faithful to His Word and those who are without Christ will sadly face the consequences on the day of judgement.

I appeal to you today my friends, don’t be found as one of the faithless. Be found as one of the faithful who died to self, and endured through the grace of God.


Remembering Jesus


Enduring with Jesus