Enduring with Jesus

A Strong Christian Life - Enduring with Jesus

Paul goes on with his little rhyme and says: “If we endure, we will also reign with him.” (2 Timothy 2:12 NIV)

So we die to self, we’re born again, and what we quickly realise is that though we are made new, nothing else is!!! The world is still broken. It’s still painful. It’s still dark.

And in fact with a new identity in Christ, often a new set of difficulties come our way: Ethical decisions now become a factor, where before we maybe didn’t care. Reputations take a knock, because people think Christians are crazy. Pain and suffering still come at us like they do others. And soon we wonder if becoming a Christian was even worth it. Maybe we should just give up.

Endure with Faith

But Paul here calls us to endure, and he uses a few pictures to illustrate an enduring life: First, the soldier. Paul writes “Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer” (2 Timothy 2:3–4 NIV11)

Paul says, like a soldier in the army of Jesus, endure suffering. Don’t complain, don’t get mixed up in unrelated stuff. Put your head down and keep going, because your commanding officer (Jesus) has a role for you to play.

Maybe today you need this reminder? You need to stop messing around with worldly things and focus on your mission as a soldier in the army of Jesus! You need to endure the attacks that have come your way, trusting that your commanding officer Jesus is going to lead the way to victory!!!

Secondly Paul uses the picture of an athlete, he writes: “Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules.” (2 Timothy 2:5 NIV11)

One of the great endurance races in our country is the Comrades Marathon. Many people are baffled as to why anybody would put themselves through such a gruelling event! But those who do it say it is worth it! It is worth the pain, because the glory when you’re done is amazing! And that’s such a picture of the Christian life! Enduring, so that we may reign as Paul said!

Endure and Reap

How are you doing in the endurance race that is your faith? Maybe you need to be reminded today: keep going. Keep running. There is a glorious victory awaiting you if you will endure the pain and keep going.

Or maybe Paul’s third picture of the farmer is the picture for you today: “The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.” (2 Timothy 2:6 NIV11)

Hardworking. Enduring the hardships of the farming life, the weather problems, the attacks from other creatures and so on… so that you can produce a crop that will bless others, and enjoy your share too.

Three pictures! When you die to yourself and begin living for Christ, it gets tough. And you have to endure. Like a soldier, an athlete, a farmer, endure hardships and don’t give up.

You will reign with Christ in a glorious way one day, and enjoy your share of peace and blessing now too , if you endure whatever comes your way in His name.


Disowning Jesus


Dying with Jesus