Remembering Jesus

A Strong Christian Life - Remembering Jesus

As we close out the week looking at a strong Christian life, I want to bring it all together with what Paul said in 2 Tmothy 2:8: “Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead”.

Remember Jesus.

You want to live a strong Christian life? Dead to self? Enduring anything? Never disowning him? Don’t forget Jesus. Remember Him. Fix your eyes on Jesus! Keep Him central in all you do, at all times.

He died on the cross in our place and then he rose from the dead! And guess what? That same power that raised him from the grave, it’s available for you and for me… If we believe. If we keep Him in focus.

You want to know how to find the strength to die to self? Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead. As you die to yourself, you will rise with him.

Remember Jesus Always

You want to know how to endure life’s hardships? To be that soldier, that athlete, that farmer? Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead. As you see what He endured, you will know that you can endure too, with his help.

Tempted to disown him? To deconstruct? Remember Jesus Christ raised from the dead. He wasn’t some unknown, clueless prophet. He rose from the dead… nobody else compares!! Keep going!

Friends, the world will try to pull you away from Jesus. The enemy will try to distract you all day long. He’ll try entertain you with many other things. He’ll try fill your mind and your time with anything and everything as long as it makes you forget Jesus.

And before you know it, you’re climbing into bed and thinking: I didn’t even acknowledge God once today.

Paul says remember Jesus. Don’t forget him.

Now, this doesn’t mean you have to sit and think of Jesus all day long. But it means doing what you do with a reliance on Him. With a prayerful spirit. With a song in your heart that worships Him. It means living with a general awareness that He’s with you as you work, drive, cook, talk, and so on.

Focus on Jesus

How do you develop this? By spending time with Him. By soaking your mind in His Word so that it is the loudest voice in your head. By turning your inner monologue into a dialogue with Him.

Maybe by putting notes for yourself on your desk, steering wheel, fridge, phone – to remind yourself of His truth and His presence.

However you do it – do all you can to remember Jesus through the day, and keep your eyes on Him. And you’ll be a strong Christian, because He will be giving you the strength all day long.


Useful to the Master


Disowning Jesus