Give Thought to the Path of Your Feet

Give Thought to the Path of Your Feet

One more thought from Proverbs 4 which ends with these words: “Give careful thought to the paths for your feet. Be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left. Keep your foot from evil.” And so just as we are to turn our ear in the right direction, guard our hearts keep our mouths free of perversity, and let our eyes be focused directly on God; today we learn that we need to watch our feet. “Be careful little feet where you go” as the little song says.

I love how the Proverbs writer says, “Give careful thought to the paths of your feet.” Give careful thought. Don't just run off to things, but pause and think and consider: Is this a wise place to be?

Choosing the Right Path: A Reflection on Holiness and Righteousness

William MacDonald, in his commentary on this verse, says, “If we are careful to ponder the path of holiness, all our ways will be well ordered and safe all along the highway to the right and to the left. There are side streets and alleys which lead to the haunts of sin. Let's be true to Jesus, though. a thousand voices from the world may call. When tempted to go to a questionable place ask yourself, “Would I like to be found there when Jesus comes back? Remove your foot from evil.”

Those words made these verses come to life for me. If Jesus were to come back in this moment, would I be proud to stand where I'm standing? Or would I regret the paths my feet have taken?

What paths are you on my friends? Are you going in the wrong direction? God has a path for you. God leads us along the right paths, as that famous verse in Psalm 23 says- “He leads me along the righteous paths.”

Choosing Wisely: Staying on God's Path for a Fulfilling Life

It's up to you. You can follow the path that Jesus has got for you and walk in his ways, or you can scurry off on the little alleys and side paths, and heartbreak awaits away from the path that God has for you.

Give careful thought to the paths you're on, my friends. If you need a change path, do it. If you need to turn around and come back up the path towards God. do it today! Give thought to the way you're walking in your life and if you need to make a change, do it. Maybe ask for the help of somebody in your church or in your life. But if you want to live a wise life, don't turn to the right or to the left of God's road. Walk in the way that He's called for you and be steadfast.

Be faithful to him. You won't regret that.


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