Prince of Peace

I'm sure you'll be singing along this morning as we listen again to the first verse of my friend Richard's song based on Isaiah 9:6-7:

For unto us a Child is born
Unto us a Son is given
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

Understanding True Peace

So we've looked at the first three titles that Jesus is given in this prophecy, leaving us with the last one – Jesus as the Prince of Peace.

When the angels came to announce to the shepherds that this child had been born, they said this: "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests." (Luke 2:14 NIV11)

Somehow, many of us have it in our minds that the angels said "peace to all mankind!" But actually it was a promise for peace to those on whom God's favour rests.

Finding Peace Through Faith

So the question, then, is this: on whom does God's favour rest?

Many people think that God looks favourably on people who are good and kind. And that if we can just do enough good and kind things, then God will see and favour us. But over and over again, the New Testament declares that God's favour cannot be earned by good deeds. But rather, it is faith in Christ as our Saviour that gains us God's favour. We call this grace! Because instead of having to earn our way, salvation is given as a gift of God.

Do you want peace this Christmas? Throw your lot in with Jesus! Place your faith in Him, and embrace Him as your Saviour and Lord. Turn from your sin and walk in His ways not to try and earn His favour, but because you already received it by faith.

Peace within comes when you accept God's saving offer, and start living for Him because of His love.

Keeping His Peace

Now, keeping that peace within is not easy. Because the world keeps pulling at us and trying to distract us from His peaceful presence. In fact, I love what Isaiah wrote even earlier in his writings, in Isaiah 26:3 he says "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You."

If you want a peaceful Christmas, keep your mind steadfastly fixed on Jesus! Let Him not just be your Saviour who forgives your sins, but let Him be your Lord who directs your life and defines your daily journey.

Yes, He is the Prince of Peace – but not for all people. Only for those who place their faith in Him to receive God's favour, and who keep their eyes on Him day by day.

This will be a season of deep peace for us, if the Prince of Peace takes His place on the throne of our lives.


The King Upon His Throne


Everlasting Father