The King Upon His Throne

Well finally we get to verse 2 of Richard’s lovely song, which also quotes directly from Isaiah 9:6-7. Listen to His words:

And of His kingdom there’ll be no end
The King upon His throne
Upheld with justice and with righteousness
From this time on and forevermore

The Eternal Kingdom

We already spoke about the everlasting nature of Jesus on Wednesday, but this verse has us thinking about this again. Isaiah prophesied that the kingdom Jesus would set up would have no end, but it would be upheld from the time He was born and forever!

This is wonderful new! The fact that the kingdom of God that Jesus ushered in has never been shaken – this should cause us to rejoice!

The True King

There are those who believe that Satan is in charge of this world. I do not believe this. I believe that this prophecy is true, that Jesus' kingdom is being upheld. And I believe that when Jesus ascended to heaven and said to His disciples "all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me" (Matthew 28:18), He meant it.

Jesus is the King on the throne. And while there is still evil in the world because Satan hasn't been finally defeated, Christ is reigning with justice and with righteousness, and will do so forevermore.

The King of Our Lives

Of course, the real question is this: is Jesus the King in your life? Does He sit on the throne of your heart? Or is He simply a good teacher and an interesting character to you?

From the beginning, Jesus' role was not just to be a good man and a religious leader. He was anointed to be the everlasting King. And His kingdom, He said Himself, was not of this world, but it would be found within people's hearts.

Luke 17:20-21 says: "Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, 'The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, "Here it is," or "There it is," because the kingdom of God is in your midst.'" Or some translations say "the kingdom of God is within you."

Are you living a kingdom life, where Jesus is your King, and you are a loyal subject, walking in His ways and honouring Him?

This Christmas, consider that this little baby would be the King forevermore. And may it be that He is not just a King, but your King.


A Star Shining Bright


Prince of Peace