The Cure for Backsliding – Don’t Delay

I said yesterday that if you’re a backslider, don’t despair. God calls you home. But there’s more to it than this, friends. Don’t despair, but don’t delay. Don’t wait.

The Danger of Delay

This is the fatal mistake of many a backslider. "I’ll return tomorrow." Tomorrow becomes next week. Next week becomes next month. Soon, a year has gone by, and you are even further from God than before.

You know who also waited and delayed taking the cure? King Saul, who we spoke of earlier in the week. He had one opportunity after another to come home to his God, but he refused. He kept on doing things God ordered him not to do. He kept on refusing to do the good he should have. Then he died a sudden death, and it was too late.

I’ve heard some people say, "God will still give us a chance to repent after we die." It’s a nice thought, but then everyone would do it that way. There is no sign whatsoever in the Bible that you have any chance after death. And if you are basing your thoughts on God on your own ideas rather than what’s in this book, you’re making a false god.

As I look at King Saul’s refusal to come home to God, I think, "What a waste!" The cure was there for him. But as the Proverbs writer said, “The backslider in heart will be filled with the fruit of his ways.” Keep backsliding, and you will reap what you sow. Sin and selfishness will keep ruining you, bit by bit. I think it breaks God’s heart because He loves backsliders, but they are filled with the fruit of their ways.

God's Invitation

Don’t delay. Don’t despair, but don’t delay. Life is too short!

Come back home.

Look at these words in Jeremiah again: God says, "Return, faithless people, I will cure you of backsliding." The people answered: “Yes, we will come to you, for you are the LORD our God.”

Will you say the same thing today? Will you answer His call and say, "Yes, I will come to you, for you are the Lord, full of grace and mercy. You’re my God, my Father, my Savior, and I need you"?

Friends, we all have the capacity to backslide. So please, if you think you’re standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall. The enemy is cunning and will draw you away before you know it, so keep close to God before he can do that. And if you need the cure, don’t despair. He loves you and will take you back in a heartbeat. And don’t delay. Today is the day.

Come Home Today

If you need to come home today, allow me to pray with you now.


Love Never Fails


The Cure for Backsliding – Don’t Despair