The Cure for Backsliding – Don’t Despair

So, what if you’ve been hearing all this talk of backsliding and realized: "I’ve backslidden. Things aren’t right between me and God. I’m indifferent, lukewarm. I run back to my sin instead of staying faithful. I’m prideful, not humble. I choose other things over God. My relationship with Him isn’t what it should be. I’m a backslider."

Recognizing Backsliding

Well, fear not! There is a cure.

Jeremiah, the old prophet, was deeply concerned about the backsliding of his people, as were all the prophets. Time and again, Israel backslid. But in one of those times, Jeremiah received this word from God: “A cry is heard on the barren heights, the weeping and pleading of the people of Israel, because they have perverted their ways and have forgotten the LORD their God. ‘Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding.’ ‘Yes, we will come to you, for you are the LORD our God.’” (Jeremiah 3:21–22 NIV).

God saw that His people had drifted. They had replaced Him with other loves and forgotten Him. But even so, He offered help and an invitation: “Return, faithless people, I will cure you of backsliding.”

The Cure for Backsliding

You know what that cure is? The cross of Jesus Christ. Jesus died in place of guilty sinners and backsliders. Now, instead of earning our way back to God, He says to those who trust in Jesus, "You are forgiven. Just come home!"

Do you hear God calling you today? Return. Come back to me. I’m right here, ready to take you back and fill your life again. Leave your godless ways and come home—I love you.

That’s the cure. Leave your sin behind and come home.

If you’re backslidden today and seeing the cure before you, don’t despair. Don’t think you’re too far gone. It’s a trap many of us fall into, when we think: "I’ve messed up too much. God can’t love me with all my sin. I’ll just stay away." The devil smiles when we think this because he keeps us from the cure.

But friends, don’t despair. Don’t think you’re too far gone—because God is an expert at curing backsliders.

Remember Peter, who denied Jesus three times? He despaired at what Jesus might do, but Jesus offered grace. Peter wasn’t too far gone, and neither are you.

Remember King David? He despaired over the mess he made when he backslid. But God offered grace, and David was restored. He wasn’t too far gone, and neither are you.

God's Restorative Grace

Don’t despair. Return to God. Come home. He will restore you if you humbly come back today.


The Cure for Backsliding – Don’t Delay


The Cunningness of Backsliding