What the Backstreet Boys Taught Me About God - Two Worlds Apart

This Backstreet Boys song really started to get under my skin, especially when the words of the second verse seemed to be God speaking to me. Listen to this:

But we are two worlds apart, can’t reach to your heart
When you say I want it that way

So in verse 1 I was declaring how God is my fire, my one desire, how I want him to believe this and I want my life to reflect these values, and then the voice of God comes through in this second verse saying “but we are two worlds apart, I can’t reach to your heart”.

Live Your Faith

I wonder how often God has felt this way about me. I wonder how often I say that God is my fire, my desire, but He’s looking at me thinking “Well, you say this, and yet you separate yourself from me. We’re worlds apart. And you’ve blocked your heart off from me, I can’t reach through and get into your life.”

In my experience, it’s easy to talk the Christian talk, but much harder to walk the Christian walk. It’s easy to go to church and sing praise, but it’s not so easy to praise God on my own when nobody’s watching. It’s easy to say “I’m praying for you” but it’s difficult to get up and actually pray for people. It’s easy to share the little prayer message or picture or Christian video on WhatsApp or Facebook, but it’s not easy to spend quality time with God going deep into His Word and praying.

It's easy to wear the Christian nametag, but are we playing the game? Or do we look so much like the world, using the same language, following the same patterns, living out the same values, claiming Christ as Saviour but living without Him?

Close the Gap

God doesn’t want us to just wear the name and not play the game. He doesn’t want us two worlds apart. He wants to be close to us. He wants to be at the forefront of our minds, our hearts, our lives. He wants to infiltrate every area of our lives, so that we can live full and free and wonderful lives by His grace.

As God reaches for your heart today, ask yourself: Am I keeping him at a distance? Is it time to not just play the church game, but to change my life so that God is central in everything?

Get alone with God today in the quiet. Repent of living ‘two worlds apart’ from Him. And commit again to living in a way where He is your fire, your one desire, every day.


Aint Nothing But a Heartache, a Mistake


My Fire, the One Desire