Jerusalem Accepts No Correction

Jerusalem's Sin (Zephaniah 3) - Jerusalem Accepts No Correction

The prophet Zephaniah was quite stern with the people of God in his day, saying in his writings: “Woe to the city of oppressors, rebellious and defiled!  She obeys no one, she accepts no correction.” (Zephaniah 3:1-2 NIV11)

So not only were this city and the people in it disobedient in the first place, they also had no regard for any correction or discipline.

Embrace Divine Correction

I think this is an important point. Correction is essential in society. The phrase “correctional facility” shows us that instead of seeing such a place as just a prison, the ultimate goal is to correct the wrongdoing in a person’s lifestyle, to help them break free of such things. Perhaps we could talk of churches as “correctional facilities” – although of course, that has the wrong connotation because we never imprison anyone in church!

But you get my point I hope – the church is a place where we willingly yield to the correction of God. The Bible is one long book that talks about correction – God seeing people in their sin, offering them forgiveness and a better way, a more “correct” way to live life.

But Jerusalem refused any correction. They just wanted to carry on with their own thing – and I can’t help but see the parallel today! We live in a society where people are terrified of correction! People have become so sensitive and easily offended that good, helpful, transformational correction is often rejected.

And sadly many people carry this attitude into their relationship with God. They don’t want any correction from God. They just want His blessing.

But Zephaniah says “woe” to those who accept no correction. Think about your own willingness to be corrected today. Do you get all snippy and self-righteous if anybody dares to suggest such a thing? Or do you humbly receive correcting and guiding, looking to better yourself and trusting God’s people to help you to do so?

Welcoming God's Correction

And crucially, are you able to receive God’s correction? To change your lifestyle, your ways, your habits, if God’s Word “corrects” them? Many Christians todays rather take their cue from the norms of our culture than from the Bible, which supersedes culture in its moral teachings. We don’t let God do His “correcting”, we just push on.

God’s correction, however, is always for our good and for the good of those around us, in the long term. I encourage us today – be open to God’s correction. Be open to changing our ways, to more godly ways, if His Word says we should.

Don’t be like the old city of Jerusalem, accepting no correction and hearing words of woe from God. It’s not worth it. Trust Him, and let Him transform you with His grace.

You’ll be glad you did.


Jerusalem Does Not Trust God


Jerusalem Obeys No One