Jerusalem Does Not Trust God

Jerusalem's Sin (Zephaniah 3) - Jerusalem Does Not Trust God

We carry on through Zephaniah’s words about the sin of God’s precious city of Jerusalem centuries before Christ. He said “Woe to the city of oppressors, rebellious and defiled!  She obeys no one, she accepts no correction. She does not trust in the LORD,” (Zephaniah 3:1-2 NIV11).

There’s an old hymn that you might recognise that says “trust and obey, for there’s no better way to be happy in Jesus!” But Jerusalem at this time was not only refusing to obey and to receive God’s correction, but they were unwilling to trust in God.

Trust in Action

Perhaps you’ve heard the old illustration of trusting in a chair. You can say that you believe in a chair’s ability to hold you if you sit in it. But only if you actually sit in the chair are you acting in trust! Just saying you believe is not the same as trusting. It’s the same with God. You might say you believe in Him, and in His ability. But are you resting in Him? Are you actually letting him support you, or are you still standing at a distance, proclaiming your trust but actually relying on your own two legs to stand?

The people of Jerusalem were God’s people by name only. They were claiming to be His people, but they had no trust. And God, in this passage, is saying that trouble will come upon them for this. Now, I don’t believe that God was gleefully pouring out punishment on them because His ego wasn’t being stroked. No. I believe God was saying to them “Ok, you don’t want to trust me. I’m sorry to say that this is not going to end well for you!”

You see, rejecting God in this way brings about its own sort of punishment. To use another picture today, it’s like signing up for a hike through a misty mountain range, but not signing up for a guide to lead your way. The guide would say “you need me out there, I know that mountain range back to front and will ensure you’re safe!” But the rebel says “I don’t need you! I’ll do it my way thank you!” The guide might say “woe to you then”, but not in spite, as a warning.

Trust and Obey

Friends, God longs to lead you through the misty mountains of life. But if you reject Him, and spurn His help, you’re not hurting His ego, you’re simply setting yourself up for woe and strife!

But if you will trust Him, and follow Him, and go through your daily life believing that He is good, and His purposes for your life are coming to fruition – well then instead of woe, you will find blessing, peace and joy.

Don’t be like Jerusalem of old, refusing to trust God. Trust and obey, for those no other way to be happy in Jesus.


Jerusalem Does Not Draw Near to God


Jerusalem Accepts No Correction